Patient Info

The current cost of a standard medical consultation is


(Fees payable in full on the day)

For Medicare rebatable visits

out of pocket expenses after Medicare refund will not exceed:
$38 per person

For other types of consultation fees, check with reception All GP consultations to pensioners and children under 16 will be Bulk Billed The decision to Bulk Bill non pensioners is at the individual GP’s discretion. Concession card holders will be billed privately. Please speak to your GP if this causes financial stress. Dressings, some vaccines and procedures will incur a private fee. You will be required to pay this fee before leaving the clinic. There is No medicare rebate for any consumables such as dressings, plaster, slings and procedure fees for minor surgery.

Effective from 01.07.2024 – 30.03.2025

Consult TypeStandardDiscountRebate
Short Consult – up to 5 mins$57.60$47.60$19.60
Regular Consult – up to 15 mins$80.85$70.85$42.85
Long Consult – 20 mins+$120.90$110.90$82.90
Extra Long Consult – 40 mins+$160.15$150.15$122.15

For other types of consultation fees, please speak to our receptionists for more details.


Consultations under Workcover and TAC will be charged privately and there is no rebate from Medicare for these services.

Pre-employment medicals will incur a private fee. You will be required to pay this fee before leaving the clinic. There is No medicare rebate for any medicals for employment or insurance. 

For your convenience we have EFTPOS facilities available.

Doctors DOES NOT prescribe Opiates or Benzodiazepines under any circumstances.

This practice has a ZERO TOLERANCE policy against any abusive or threatening behavior towards doctors, staff or other patients.
This includes shouting, swearing, aggression, threats or any other inappropriate behavior.

Abusive patients will be asked to leave the premises and refusal to do so will result in the police being called.


United Medical Centre is accredited with AGPAL, offering a broad range of quality services. The practice is accredited for training medical students. We also participate in Quality Control Initiatives and Continuing Education.